TRUEORIGIN est 2012 in Melbourne, Australia.
~Developed in Singapore & Melbourne~
by a single creator from Singapore.

-Of INCORRUPTIBLE DREAMS of incorruptible souls-

Old-school Storyteller & Artist in a time of AI.

✏️”Opposite perspectives give us Strength in our own Views.
Together, we are stronger in our Differences.”

- M. Yeo. Trueorigin

I'm an Independent Artist & Writer from Singapore and Melbourne 🇸🇬🇦🇺. US-Published, 100% Self-represented. Late Bloomer. Intuitive. Reformed killer of plants. Divergent thinker. Independent from all influences and fake narratives. One-time on-screen dabbler on Radio & TV (Singapore, Australia). Globetrotter since youth, with cross cultural successes. Classic-video-game lover. Divorced. Still going. Got pretty far in life despite the tough upbringing and several near-death experiences. Where regular genius falters and get irreversibly damaged in uncontrolled environments, critical thinkers of a certain kind tend to blossom or excel in them. For better or worse, I belong to the latter.

Depending on who I’m talking to, I can flit between Received Pronunciation, the style of our pioneer statesmen, or I can do a bit of chav/local, makes no difference to me but people seem to be entertained. No airs is the way to go! - Except, perhaps, the odd well-placed fart joke. Doing quite alright at 40+ years of age I reckon! :) Combo of skill and a pinch of luck, I guess. Even when I’m being unlucky, I kind of somehow still err on the side of uber-lucky. I feel like my friends wear lots of hats and they don’t tell me. Anyway, I’m no haxxsaur, more a hacksaw. My private email address is The inbox is fully encrypted.

I took my first gulp of air at Gleneagles Hospital, in Singapore - an impossible little island of a young, secular First World country surrounded by Muslim and some Hindu neighbours, with English as its First Language, real racial harmony and a Free Market economy to boot. The most famous person from our country is arguably Lee Kuan Yew, who led us from 3rd world to 1st in 50 years. As his influence subsided, the same strong masculine leadership that brought us into the future became bereft of the wisdom or graciousness that had allowed us to put in such enlightened laws, which we had reached by way of free agreements between high-functioning men and women who respect and love each other. The environment quickly turned into a poisoning one, where there were only zero-sum games being run. We were being led to tear each other down and brainwashed by men from external racial diasporas who may have felt left out of Singapore’s foundational success - and even someone like me still had claim to it, even when my family had lost all. They wanted this for themselves, without getting to know anybody, by getting us to lower our standards which our fore-parents set. They wear similar coats as us but aimed to take advantage of young Singaporeans’ noble desire to make a difference and make something of ourselves. If they could trick us into selling out other Singaporeans and get us to collapse from within, they could come in and insert themselves as leaders in our infrastructure without a fight. While I have my own healthy criticism about our system and what happened for us to get there, I’m swift to discern between the act of ‘self-criticism’ versus disingenuous false narratives whose main aim/result is to destabilize the country and dissolve bonds for all the wrong reasons, with us ending up with a country that is not ours with our labour and money being inappropriately funnelled out to unconnected places, rather than foster dialogue and positive community growth/circulation/feedback loop. As it is, Singaporeans have noted for a long time that our country was no longer answering to us, with a gradual but consistent straying from our original Singapore Dream, which our pioneers had conceived and sacrificed for. Recently there were steps to mitigate this, but the work is far from done and the core needs to be reinforced.

Being from Singapore means I have no lack of understanding in Western ways of life, but believe in setting my own standards apart from the marketing and rhetoric that has kept the First World stuck in a rut.

Disillusioned with a school system that was pushing us to win the STEM olympic golds or grooming us to be trophy wives, I decided I could never live with myself and would throw up everyday if I became phony. I dropped out and after returning from a stint in Melbourne Australia, began working in several boutique and MultiNational companies, including blue chip - in entry level service/frontline jobs. I think of it this way - even Einstein had to work at the Swiss patent office as a clerk for years, bearing in mind they called him a clerk while he was doing the assessing. If even the brightest of us have to work the grind, what more for the rest of us. Over 10 years later with whatever modest savings I had, I took my first studio up @ 22 Starlight Road in Farrer Park, Singapore 217769. Unlike what we had been led to believe by everyday rhetoric on the ground, with the citizen-accessible dialogues, Singaporeans had no lack of motivation or interest at all because people started to show up at the studio wanting to pitch in or see what was happening, maybe be a part of something. I had no idea what it meant, until a 94-year old Singaporean pioneer from a nearby landed property showed up with a species of orchid plant I didn’t even know existed, freshly ripped out of the ground from somewhere, and sat at my front porch smashing red bricks with me for the potting soil.

Something organic was germinating in Singapore, and many had said it was impossible, said that no one cared or was interested. Clearly, they were mistaken. But I never expected the degree of response or where it came from, because everything happened so naturally and we never even needed to organize, we just dropped in and did everything casually. If they wanted to they showed up, if they didn’t want to they didn’t, no matter. Whatever happened would just happen. Meanwhile people were pumping in millions of dollars in schemes that failed to get interest. It was no one’s fault that we got compared. But it hardly meant anyone had the right to disregard our laws to come in and take anything away/without consent.

Singapore never needed Western feminism to achieve a balance of equality and equity (and neither have I; no amount of fake or arranged narratives can stop the truth, neither can it cloud my heart with hatred or fool me). It was reached through free agreements and an understanding between intelligent men and women, because we love/loved each other. And it’s something that’s constantly looked into and fine-tuned. You can’t always control what you get, you can only align things to try and take it where you want to go. All the -Isms do is jam up our connections and make everyone less free and less productive. Wherever this feminism or some isolated, segregated set of “rights” were allegedly needed, it variably boiled down to universal human rights that affected other people/areas too. It was about how we treat each other as human beings, and our access to the law. Which brings me to the problem Singapore has had/does have - what we’ve accepted for ourselves, in terms of standards - of the way we’re treated and allow ourselves to be treated, versus balancing that with our values and desire to solidify our place in the world with genuine self-esteem. For example, if it’s true that whatever has happened to me was because I allowed others to treat me badly or didn’t love myself, how come I kept removing myself from these situations and moving on? Why was it that the problem others had with me was over the fact that I was able to say no, without saying no, and get away? Or the fact that I was single but open to people well into my late 30s, and I kept leaving to do something else? The very way I live and lived is and was a sign of self-esteem. So the question should be, why wasn’t I allowed to have self-esteem? Why was it so offensive? Shouldn’t it be that others should learn to be more confident and loving, rather than reduce me? And if they were unsure, why don’t they just learn something new? My choice is hardly unusual, many eminent intellectuals - doctors, mathematicians, scientists, literary figures, marry late or not at all. They are also often very particular about the way they are touched and they have cause for concern. In our still-developing human societies around the world, touch often leads to disrespect or inappropriately interpreted as an ownership transfer of your life/person or property by extension. i.e. touch transfer. (Other world leaders putting their hands on Merkel’s shoulders for example? Bringing in a dog when they know she has an aversion to them, while no one moves to protect her?) That is why when you hold something like a tray or a tool for an extended period of time, and people’s brains register that you are ‘dirty’ because they and many others have touched you by way of having touched the same tool, tray or dish as you while the work was being done, they can sometimes come after you to try and take ownership of everything else you have as well. Sexuality and ideology are often just singular aspects used as excuses by those who lob anything at you to claim their “ownership transfer” after having “touched” you by way of touching the same tray - or if you register your private details to enter their club or employ as a non-VIP. They’ll feel justified to claim their inappropriate perceived ownership transfer, performing a non-consensual lateral transfer of your details into a completely new contract, like your life belongs to them.

Here it’s not about counting the instances of abuse per se, or behavioural control, and more about our collective agreement on what things should never be tolerated on our watch, and the subsequent actions we take when faced with such cases - do we keep quiet or speak out, say no? Or if not possible to do so ‘right now’ without tremendous damage - do we maintain conviction and take enough corrective action over time as a whole? Are there enforcement of laws, or is everything treated as a “private matter” or “service issue” even when it’s not? Leading to a greater problem when we go out into the world and have to be surprised that no one seems to accept our Leadership and confidence? And are people allowed to say no, what happens to them otherwise? Where are the invisible lines of divide, the cut-off points where it cliffs?

When you’re particularly outstanding in some way, and your results are real - even if only glimpsed in 15 mins or a season, you can also be singled out to be made an example of by those who feel that your choices, healthy ways and/or successes are an affront to them. Especially if it’s going to make people think thrice about contract transfers described above, and possibly encourage people to reassess how we allow anyone to be treated and what we consider acceptable ways of making profit/money. And you’ve achieved them just by being yourself, without the usual political -isms. When your mind is free, some may be excited for you, others may wish to waste your time, put a hole in your sails or more. Those of us who march to the beat of our own drums are living proof that it’s possible to achieve your own high standards privately, while staying true to yourself. We do this regardless of whether we hold opposing views/backgrounds, against the claim that some things are only possible if you do things one way or sacrifice your values for less than. There will be people who take offense that it happened for you first, thinking it should’ve been them. Or sometimes they know how they’ve treated you in the past, and they can’t seem to come round from that even if you’re fine. I always take note of the ones who don’t clap for you.

In Switzerland, I tried to continue my real-life work but had to deal with a few things first. I’d hardly come all the way for K-pop-agency type arrangements. I came here to be freed and become independent. I was and am ready for the next step.

But it’s a tough one when you’re dealing with people who benefit too much from keeping others back/down or when they deny them agreements based on free will laws. Sometimes you have to recognize when you’re just being made an example out of. The worst anyone can do is waste your time. It might take a while to cut through the fake narratives of marketing, but it’s worth it since you get to work on what ultimately lasts. Fortunately, some things require no belief to exist - like the Singapore passport. As with the feather on the scales of Anubis. Who would’ve thought.

After all this time working from scratch, in jobs that paid menial to modest wages, it’s taken longer because I’ve wanted to live and earn an honest life and living. I’ve also had to dodge the -isms and attempts of others to monetize my freedoms in ways harmful to me, or take my workings before I’m done. These days, they don’t even want to wait till you’re done with your workings in this life, they want to take while you’re still using it, and they’ll use any excuse even while lacking any real belief in what they’re saying.

Till today, my family may have never recovered from having been taken apart or the injustices that were done. But I have no intention to experience a continuation and be forced to give up my IP or labour to anybody else. Nor will I have my desire to stand up for people and speak the truth beaten out of me, otherwise be made to continue living in a artificially reduced state. Sometimes the only reason you’re targeted is because you were a witness to things to things certain people want kept in the dark, and/or are pegged as the one whose words can free others from the abuse cycles. A truth seeker/teller can expect no help from those they know; most will think they’ll be safe if they keep quiet and dob you in, push you out to die. And in most cases they’re right,unlike in the movies & books - if only for at least a good part of their lifetimes, but at the ultimate cost of the whole society’s success in general. It wasn’t possible to set up before, when people were causing obsctructions. I’m doing my best. I can have the ultimate say in how my life is going to go and where my work ends up. Even if from time to time I have to eat the grass growing out of the ground until I get a liftoff, it’s way better than what I’ve walked away from, where our collective dreams and private enjoyments were being subverted so we could be fattened up to become human steaks for the benefit of others. In a perversion of justice, equity was being turned into equality ala ‘all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others’.

I can say no to bad family, too. sa.

Stay open to the world, stay clear of those who are jealous of your health, fun/freedom and potential. As you’re having to make your way through life off the beaten track, it’s unavoidable to meet people who are fixed in thinking or social ways. And sometimes a lot of this is brought in from whichever First World country this happens in, and in my case there were people bringing in 3rd world practices from outside of Singapore. And Singapore already achieved a certain level of development where agreements between men and women are concerned. Those who are less developed may take to you at first, but become angry when you go because they wanted more, perhaps came to feel that you somehow owe it to them to live “for” them - hardly because they’re right, but because they want to hold you responsible for their own lack of inner development and fail to see the greater picture. As far as some of these people are concerned, if they have decided to put you on a pedestal you’d jolly well better be their god/demi-god. And if you try to get out of that one too, to continue life, they may use outlawed practices to close off your connection or end you so you can’t leave. The message is that unless you fulfill their wishes you’ll be their scapegoat, punching bag or trash bin, however they give no guarantee that you’ll be none of those things if you cooperate either. And they’ll poison everyone against you, saying that you’re the poison. They’ll find whoever in your circles is willing to sell you out for a quick buck or a rise. People will meet you for one small moment in time and form an impression. The next time they see you, if you’re soaring high in the sky, they can do one of two things. One - Respond positively and want to know more or keep tabs on you for inspiration, Or, Two, Become very upset, because if they met you as a waitress, that’s all you “should” ever be. Now you’re way up and talking to certain people and perhaps they feel it should be them. They cry, how? You’re just a waitress. Or an entry level worker. It becomes an obsession, they cry foul and do everything to take you down or discredit you out of irrational selfishness, rather than work on themselves or learn something new.

Even if/when others misguidedly try to take you farther away from your destination, or even stop you from getting there, perhaps dedicating their time to turning everyone against you, you can stay true to yourself/your message and find the forgiveness to move on. Others have to live with themselves, but I have me. I have a life to lead. And now I have a chance to meet others who may be different but more like me at the levels that matter. Even now, I feel a surge of joy and renewed conviction everytime I look at people who genuinely do well and do right by others, or happy couples who never had to feel they settled for less or want to break their partner’s wings. I get happy when someone gets a break. When the underdog wins. Even when the strongest win, because everyone has their own struggles. Because I can easily see their triumphs happening for me, I know that opportunities and people will come as long as I remain open and keep looking, keep taking calculated risks. With them comes the possibility of good things happening for me, and those who choose to work with me, when I’m seen for who I am and what I bring to the table, and vice versa. The priceless chances to celebrate together, appreciate our differences and similarities with some acceptance, lift each other higher, getting each others’ backs without needing to restrain each other - to create and hold that space where something beautiful can happen for us. As opposed to a handful being outraged and demanding their needs be fulfilled, demanding to know what right you have to be confident since you were once “just” a lowly waitress, without getting to know you. They act out from feeling they’ve been excluded on purpose, when the space being held is open to all. Maybe at some level they feel they’re not good enough.

Then there’s times where you take up a job temporarily en route to your destination. It’s a clean job, nowhere does it state that you have to entertain people out of work or that your freedom/time can be monetized by 3rd parties without your consent. And this is a grey area, I think if someone gets a tip for a good introduction that’s fine, but but if someone thinks they’ve paid for an experience which I’m now compelled to deliver - no way. You cannot share my private photos or videos, and make a contract with my name on it, expect me to carry it out when I have no idea it exists, and then come after me when I figure out what’s happening and slip away. But is small unlike South Korea or elsewhere, they will find you. If you get picked and you slip away like you’re lowkey Loki, you still get in trouble even when you smile and wave from afar to signify no hard feelings. A handful can and do develop hard feelings. They take offense or get angry to see that you’re providing for yourself or that you dare to love yourself first - and the fact you’re able to say no and draw boundaries proves this. And then they try to destroy your livelihood, and also try to destroy the livelihood of all the other girls you work with so that none of you can provide for yourselves or say no. I think the worst thing for me, was discovering that there were corrupt authorities involved. And when they looked into my family background, instead of backing off and apologizing they then sent someone to take me out and down, break my wings or silence me so that I could never tell people how far they went or abused game theory in ways that would make gifted mathematicians roll in their graves, or old monarchs and Germans go ‘told you so’. Nor that it stemmed from the very simple fact that they were simply offended that I said no to them - even when it was the skilful way of saying no, without saying no. And I got away. People came at me like there was a bounty. But I’m untarnished no matter what is done, I know there are people out there who will laugh in appreciation and call out ‘see you at dinner’ when I take off and do pirouettes in the sky for myself, rather than get angry and convince an army to shoot me down, then send someone to break my wings when I get down, put me in unseen roles and get corrupt government officials to do stupid things to my name on the registry, so I can’t go anywhere or be seen on anything except their frontend contracts. Bounty.

What they never counted on, was that hardened people who are sent after you can also be won over, after witnessing the kind of human spirit that can never be faked, bought or destroyed. People do feel strongly about such things, and some are better or quicker at discerning the truth than others. As of now, my outlook remains unchanged even after I’ve had to shake off attackers in self-defense and after what was done to try and pin me down to stop me from reporting, or leaving until they had their way. It’s unfair to me when they were the ones who were organizing in groups, kept looking me up and came at me blindly. Then when I proved to be not into such things, drew firm lines and got away, it was framed it as me having a problem with them or guys in general and people started coming at me like there was a bounty. I had to defend myself when they tried to pin me down and stop me from leaving or enforce punishment for ejecting myself from the situation. I know there are respectable men out there because I’ve met them and I’ve also come from a line of good men and women. And good people have stepped forward to say no to them, too.

Just because some people want to force their narrative, hardly means that it is or will be my life’s narrative. Just because someone says ‘this is all you’ll ever be’, hardly means they’re right. Sometimes what they’re realaly afraid of, is that peoploe will see you as an example and realize that we can all be freed.

Well, I heal. I’ve a lot of goodness to give and put into the world, and I give to myself first. I write books. And ‘it ain’t over till the fat lady sings’!